Concrete Repair Bulletin March/April 2021

March/April 2021
Concrete Repair in Extreme Environments

March/April 2021
Concrete Repair in Extreme Environments
 (PDF 11 MB)

Feature Articles:

  • Difference Makers by Elena Kessi and Eric Hauth
  • Rehabilitating the Ituango Embankment Dam by Robert Cordova and Richard First
  • Curing Concrete in Extreme Conditions by Marthe Brock
  • Extending Service Life of Höganäs County Water Tower by Julie Holmquist, Ivana Liposcak, and Nils Davant
  • An Introduction to ICRI’s New Guide No. 110.2-2020 Guide Specifications for Epoxy Injection by Liying Jiang and Horace Willis


Also included in this issue:

  • President’s Message
  • TAC Talk
  • Secretariat Update
  • Chapter News
  • Industry News
  • Association News
  • People on the Move
  • Product Innovation