Be a part of something big.
International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI) is the only professional organization dedicated to concrete repair, restoration, and protection.
Okay, so what is ICRI all about?
Featured Benefits

Technical Resources
ICRI serves as a clearinghouse of information on the concrete repair industry. ICRI resources include educational programs, peer reviewed technical documents, and a bimonthly magazine, providing you with timely information to improve your concrete repair knowledge and status in the industry.

Regional Chapter Membership
ICRI has 38 chapters, including 2 student chapters, in metropolitan areas around the world. Chapters hold technical presentations, educational meetings, symposiums, and local conventions on repair-related topics. See current chapter dues.

Peer Networking
ICRI will give you unparalleled opportunities to network with others in the concrete repair industry. Through membership with ICRI, you will build professional relationships and contacts that will propel you and your company forward. And, the more involved you are with ICRI member activities, the more likely you are to be called upon by other members for guidance.

Discounted Pricing
ICRI members enjoy reduced pricing on many of the products and services ICRI provides, including FREE downloads of many ICRI Technical Guidelines. Membership can for itself through the products and services they purchase throughout the year.
The following are some of the products and services for which members receive discounts:
- Online education (e.g., webinars and on-demand videos)
- ICRI certification programs
- All printed ICRI guidelines and other materials ICRI makes available
- All ICRI meetings and conventions
- All ICRI-sponsored workshops, tutorials, and symposiums
- Advertising in the Concrete Repair Bulletin

ICRI Online Membership Directory
When you enroll your company for ICRI membership, you will automatically be listed in our Online Membership Directory. The ICRI searchable online directory enables people from around the world to locate your company by products, services, specialties, and location. This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date listing of concrete repair specialists available.

Concrete Repair Bulletin (CRB)
ICRI members receive a complimentary subscription to the Concrete Repair Bulletin (CRB), the bi-monthly publication of ICRI, focused exclusively on the concrete restoration and repair industry. ICRI welcomes new members by listing them in the New Members section of the CRB.

Industry Recognition
ICRI Members are recognized around the world as companies and individuals that provide the utmost quality in their products and services. It is this recognition that leads prospective customers to you through ICRI services such as our Online Membership Directory and awards programs. ICRI members are very proud of the organization they represent and know their membership brings with it a special camaraderie with the colleagues and high level of responsibility to serve the industry.

Committee Representation
ICRI technical and administrative committees develop programs and establish guidelines to further the quality concrete repair. Participating on a committee gives you the ability to contribute your knowledge, as well as learn from other industry experts.

Member Marketing
As the concrete restoration and repair industry continues to grow, so do your opportunities to reach this vast market. ICRI provides the channels for you to deliver your message.
ICRI continually works to stretch your marketing dollar, while providing effective opportunities for you to reach this special industry. With ICRI you can target your message through local chapters, face to face meetings with industry decision makers at our two annual conventions and through a presence on the desks of 5,000+ repair specialists worldwide by advertising in the Concrete Repair Bulletin.
Membership Options
ICRI has membership options to suit individuals and companies of all sizes.
Individual Memberships
Students qualify for a discounted membership with a copy of a current student ID or transcript.
Any member that has reached age 65 and has been a member of ICRI for at least 5 years.
Individuals residing outside of the US and Canada whose organization does not have a company or supporting membership with ICRI.
Company Memberships
ICRI Supporting Members are industry leaders that provide strong support both to the industry and ICRI. Supporting membership is designed for that special company that can choose to be listed under any of the variety of company specialties on the demographics from which are all searchable in the online directory.
$500 - $2,700
ICRI Company Membership is designed for any size company and fees are based on company size. You can choose to be listed under any of the variety of company specialties on the demographics from which are all searchable in the online directory.
Company Dues are based on Gross Income (repair-related):
- <$1M – Dues are $500
- $1M to $2.49M – Dues are $900
- $2.5M to $5M – Dues are $1,800
- >$5M – Dues are $2,700
Additional Supporting and Company Memberships
Supporting Members can also add additional individual employees at the reduced rate of $180 anytime through your annual term. For someone from your Company to receive the tangible benefits (reduced pricing, magazine subscription, voting, etc.), they must be listed as an additional supporting member.
Company Members can add additional individual employees at the reduced rate of $180 anytime through your annual term. For someone from your Company to receive the tangible benefits (reduced pricing, magazine subscription, voting, etc.), they must be listed as an additional company member.